Home Economics

Monday, August 03, 2009

Oldies but Goodies & on the Cheap

I don't understand my draw to the old verses the new but I have an aversion to buying things that haven't already been used. As I get older I wonder how much of an old ninny I'll be, if I'm not totally there already. I've taken notice of the rise in my friend's "no thanks" when offering to find them used objects of (possibly only my) desire.

Not a blood Aunt, but the Aunt of my half sisters was quite the character. Aunt Freida was a bag lady but had money and an apartment. She loved items from the trash and would dig things out and gift them. On Easter Sundays she would bring Easter baskets for my brother and I. My Mom would set them on the counter as Aunt Freida came in the door: "Thank You Aunt Freida, so thoughtful" she would say, while at the same time glare at me and somehow get across "DON"T TOUCH OR EAT THIS CANDY"! I was afraid enough to never eat the candy, in fear I would die but the baskets always intrigued me.

I haven't been digging in dumpsters (yet!), but I have found some other treasures in the thrift store. Finding useful items, in any such place- that still have use in the world- obscure things, things that tell a story, that have a history, these are the things that I feel should be saved- and I can make use of them once again. So I think I "get" Aunt Freida's dumpster diving activities. We live in a culture with so much crap and waste - there are so many stories and history to be found...that is literally just tossed aside. So here I am trying to collect history or something like that.....

First we have...Vintage Jello mold recipes for my Tupperware jello mold. Oh man! I thought it was gross enough that Midwest grocery stores are never without a mini pre-made jello dish; but this savory recipe with cottage cheese wins the GROSS prize.Next up.......Miss Piggy Jazzersize record with poster and all, it's easy to play with imagery in this record. I can totally eat ice cream without gaining a pound in the "Banana Split" exercise. And now I have a use for my red jazzersize outfit that I found a few months back. I love how when something gets popular it really hits all facets: Starting with Jane Fonda...and an explosion of Jassersize records by everyone! Even a make-believe pig!

Last but not least.......1970's Record Changer

I've moved up in the world of music technology! A bit ago I was collecting box record players, you know, the kind you can carry around with the built in speaker. Well this beauty plays multiple records one right after another. And I hooked it up to my cute little 1970's radio that I learned is a receiver. I found this winner for $9.00 - untouched with a brand new needle.

For the next few months I'll be working on my swing dance moves from my library videos, buying spandex from the thrift store so I can be outfitted for the Danskin Triathlon, attempt to recover my vintage couch that is STILL in Cynthia's closet and revamp for a studio in Chicago. Wish me luck in my finds for these projects!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Secret Love (NY NY!)

I have a serious crush on NY. I like to admire it from afar and dream of what it would be like to live there. I love how tiny the living space is there especially b/c you have to get creative to make it work. So when my super good friend jumped on an opportunity to move into a fabulous Manhattan studio I jumped for the opportunity to help him plan his space!

The space is about 400 square feet and really cute! It has amazing windows at the end of the main room which allows for a good division of living areas. I fed exed this already as to ensure my friend was in good hands on moving/arranging day.

The first picture is a drawing of my thoughts of how he should arrange.

This second picture is the lighting plan:

This last one is a blank floor plan. I made to-scale furniture to play around with the design that could be moved around. So you can kinda see how things would look before actually putting them there.

Happy Moving Doug!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A clean work fridge makes a healthy soul

My desire to make everything look fantastic goes far beyond décor. I am pretty obsessed with fashion and general cleaning too. I admit, I judge people on the looks of their home, their wardrobe AND the cleanliness of their fridge.

Invite me over and I am sure the type to secretly check out your medicine cabinet.

So after being grossed out by my work kitchen and more so the horrific, filthy, smelly fridge for two years (and 40 hours a week) I took action. I tried to recruit others, but alas, no one showed. Hum? Here’s what I wrote to all in an e-mail:

Here is your chance to help your community! Work with me to clean out the Seneca Fridge Monday 9- 10:30am

I will supply the cleaning supplies and gloves (oh yeah gloves are needed for this!) and you just bring your psycho cleaning self. We will throw out anything, and I mean anything that appears to look like it should be thrown out and give the fridge a good scrub. I love a good purge, so if you do to don’t hesitate to help out. It will be lonely if I have to do this alone! Please help! It’s sure to be fun!

When: 2/23

Where: 9am-10:30am

Who: me & you

I should have taken before and after photos. One co-worker came in for a minute, put on the rubber gloves and took one look and left. Other people were buzzying about in the halls but no one offered to actually help.

"I never use the the fridge, ever" was one response. LIER!, I thought.

People thanked me, and that felt really good, but really, I LOVED cleaning alone. At this point, I once again realized that my desire to clean is abnormal. Ask my girlfriend, she will tell you. We have a military-like list that is to be checked off weekly and I never forget to check it.

I found very strange items that don’t have any buisness in a staff fridge: a used band aid, a open frozen meal from over 5 years ago and several vacuum sealed- raw frozen salmon fillets. Fish fillets at work? hum. We don't have an oven.

I highly recommend using non toxic cleaners if you try this at home/work. In that tiny work kitchen I would have possibly died if I used anything but. I used Ms. Myer’s Basil Basic cleaner. Worked like a charm. I can still smell it on my clothes and the herby aroma is wafting in my cube because I used my recycling container as my water bucket.

All that quality time cleaning the staff fridge has me feeling care for the health and future of it. I can't wait to walk into the staff kitchen tomorrow, check in on it as I pour my first cup of work coffee...and of course, put my lunch in the new clean fridge. I'll take a (long and glaring) look to see what people have added taking note of what to throw out and when.

So don't you worry Ms. Fridge, I've got your back.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Grown-Up Colorforms

I'm thrilled I stumbled upon a magnetic space planner! www.spaceplanning.com/shop/item.asp?itemid=2 What a dream! Magnetic boards, furniture, windows...interior and exterior detailing all to scale for space planning. I love being able to move stuff around with my hands and not worry about having to erase the mistakes! I could make these myself if I didn't have that pesty job to deal with daily:) I imagine this would be a fantastic project, but it actually might be worth the hundreds it costs. I'M DROOLING. I might have to make a paper version pronto.

Click on "Grown-Up Colorforms" and it'll take you to the site.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Gross Out

Last week I was able to get my weekly groceries for two for under $20. Now, I realize that some people think this place is just gross and I continually find myself defending Grocery Outlet at social gatherings. I think some just like the feeling of spending money. I love the hunt for the biggest bargin. Grocery Outlet is fab if you read your labels and dates. Bring your kids and make it educational. This week I got organic Horizon yogurt for 50 cents each. I saw them at Safeway for $1.59 each! Wine too - for under $3.00! Also this store has a entire section of organic wellness products that were overstock from natural markets- some for near 75% off the normal price.

Gross Out is the place for me. It leaves money for me to plan to my vacation to Sunny Vegas, for that new Mac, for the beautiful Eames chair or a little extra to put in my 401K for when I am an old bitty knitting and quilting with my friends in my community.

Give Gross Out a real chance.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas on a budget

Christmas is handsdown my favorite time of year. However, as years go on I just can't afford over the top buying and throwing away of items for a few months enjoyment. This year I was lucky to have great company and found affordable decor that was a delight for me and just fun to make. My Mom was in town and built our own tree. As we walked in the snow from Trader Joe's we found a part of a tree knocked down from the storm. Also, since I lack a mantel my Mom and I thought of hanging a branch from the chimney. Ok, we had alot of time as the snow storm pretty much trapped us on capitol hill for days, but now I really don't want Christmas to be any other way. And there were times in our decorating that we were crying it was so funny.

Other tips: The thrift store has gobs of ugly 80's Christmas gear that make going over the top cheap and fun. I.e. My Mom and I bought "Christmas outfits" in which we happily greeted our guests in. We also bought many bags of very cheap Christmas decor - such as weathes. We wanted our space to look like a Christmas village!

Also, I highly recommend a visit to the Faimont Hotel and see the Teddy Bear Suite. The life size teddy bears and over the top decor just should not be missed.

We did a little shopping, but mostly we decorated our gifts in paper I had around the house and really took care in how we wrapped everything.

The day of was fabulous. One of the guests brought handmade cards and each wrote a little note in the card. It was was the sweetest, most memorable Christmas yet.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hurry up and wait!

Due to my ever growing obsession to home decor I don't allow myself regular access to HGTV. Thus, I am not privy to the latest shows and stars...but really, could be- and now I may have an opportunity to stand next to one on a set!

Last month I saw a blind ad wanting “a decor obsessed, non-schooled, wannabe designer for a pilot TV decorating series ". Thinking the ad was speaking to me, I applied and sent some photos of my projects. I thought it probably was some stupid company, but sometimes I like to see the outcome of stupid ventures.

Pie Town Productions...um, not so stupid AT ALL! They are the producers for HGTV! They selected me and a few individuals to possibly be flown to LA and shoot with a real live designer... as a wanna be designer! Finally, I will be a star!

I fed exed a homemade DVD to the company at once with a tour of my home and interview. Here is part one one of the DVD I sent them. The interview part never downloaded on youtube- sadly.

So patiently I await...for some dreams to come true...